Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Corporal punishment
Internationally, corporal punishment is considered to be one of the most ignored topics. Hot debates and discussions on the issues have been launched within vast communities globally. In simple language, corporal punishment can be defined as any use of physical force on someone with the intentions of correcting behavior (Prue and Alister par. 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporal punishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this paper, the entire discussion focuses on the cultural view upon corporal punishment and how it progressed with time. The paper also explains as to why through generations people preferred corporal punishment as discipline measure in child rearing despite of the consequences in has. Overview Corporal punishment has been known for long to be the best way of inflicting discipline on children. The punishment basically involves hitting a child with the hand, smacking, belting and even spanking (David par. 5). Moreover, there are other ways in which corporal punishment can also be administered. They include; kicking, biting, shaking and even forcing the child to stay in a discomfort environment for a period of time. Historically, corporal punishment was introduced back in the 10th century. In most communities, the cultural rules expect children to fully comply with their parents or teachers directives. Failure to comply with the directives given calls for severe corporal punishment administered to the child. Many people confuse corporal punishment with physical abuse. It is clear that corporal punishment involve inflicting mild pain on the body. On the other hand, physical abuse involves subjection to painful experience leading to injury development (David par. 8). Notable to mention is that, in the current world, the degree of punishment administration is regulated by the law. How is corporal punishment viewed cross-culturally? Internationally, there are very man y communities practicing different cultures. It is because of this that multicultural jurisprudence has been developed. This offer wider range of substantive solution to matter arising as a result of communities clashes. Most of these cultural clashes arise due to children issues. Therefore, it is important to mention that different communities have developed different mechanism used in child rearing practices. It can be noted that, such practices are widely divergent internationally. On the same note, the main divergent practice in child rearing is disciplinary measures employed (Alison p. 256). Many communities have different definition to the word child discipline. It is clear that majority of communities globally, embrace the use of physical force in correcting behavior. This is known as corporal punishment. It is meant to ensure that the child socialize well with everyone in the society.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get you r first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Corporal punishment according to most community is a cultural practice that is mandatory. In anthropology, there is the theory of cultural relativism that deeply explains different cultural interpretation on corporal punishment. Based on the theory, it is evident that most communities treasure the fact that morality in the society must be strongly constructed (Alison p. 256). This means that most communities do practice corporal punishment to maintain high standard of morality despite having different cultural beliefs. In this case, most traditional cultures have set a standard of tolerance as a way of achieving community expectation. There are different forms of administering physical punishment according to culture. This means that, different communities have their own form of punishing children. Such punishment must be implemented even if it violates both national and international punishment standard. Additionally, the American cult ural practice has been ranked to be one of the worst and the cruelest form of physical punishment internationally. This is according to societies with traditional cultures that are treated under the same collection (Alison p. 257). On the other hand, cultural punishment practices should not be viewed as abusive as far as child rearing is concerned. This is because the practices are purely in accordance with the entire community standard. This means that all community members are in agreement with the cultural practice. It is important for each community to maintain high disciplinary standard on their children in whatsoever way. However, it is wrong for anyone to criticize a particular community for their customary practices. Outsiders must learn to comply with every strategy employed to promote morality within a community. As long as the main objective of corporal punishment is to boost good socialization among people, then communities must be encouraged to go on. This is because di scipline is an important aspect that must not be ignored in child rearing practice (Alison p. 258). What are the different motivations for engaging in corporal punishment in child-rearing? Corporal punishment is a disciplinary measure employed on children breaking either parents or teachers directives. This can be at any level. Violation of rules can occur either at home or even at school. There are different motivating factors contributing to the administration of corporal punishment. However, these factors widely vary depending on the environment and location of the child. Research studies have revealed that in America, majority of parents employ corporal punishment on their children (Elizabeth p. 10). This means that most parents use physical force in administering discipline to their children. Statistically, almost two thirds of parents with children under 2 years punish their children physically (Elizabeth p. 10).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporal punishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, 80% and 85% of parents in America physically punished their children at 5th grade and adolescent respectively. This is a clear evidence of how corporal punishment was highly treasured in America culturally. The most contributing factor to physical punishment is lack of clear legislative policies that govern the consistency in which corporal punishment should be implemented. Therefore, whenever the child commits any mistake, the parents are always ready to administer painful physical punishment. There are children who are generally disadvantaged as far as corporal punishment is concerned. In America, according to gender, the male child is more exposed than the female (Prue and Alister par. 13). Most American parents would prefer light punishment for the girl child. Contrary, the boy child is always exposed to tough physical punishment. There are other family motivating factors. Fami ly population is another key motivating factor (Prue and Alister par. 13). In most cases, parents in large family go through hard time especially when trying to maintain high morality standard among their children. Factors like economic disadvantage also contribute and increase the likelihood of parents resorting to physical punishment (Prue and Alister par. 13). Parents are most likely to employ corporal punishment depending on their ethnic background and religious beliefs. In some communities, religion form very strong foundation on people lives. People are bound to live and operate following the religious teaching. Therefore, if the use of physical punishment on children is fully approved, then parents are bound to implement it according to the religion. Furthermore, there are parent who administer severe physical punishment to their children simply because they passed through the same when they were children. According to such parent experience, corporal punishment is the only w ay to make a child obedient and successful (Elizabeth p. 12).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Low level of education among parents is another factor that can contribute to employment of corporal punishment in child rearing process (Elizabeth p.12). This is because such parents do not understand or approve civilized strategies of disciplining children. Therefore, children are subjected to the traditional system of punishment administration their parent know (Elizabeth p.12). The other contributing factor includes the weigh of the misbehavior committed by the child. There are misbehaviors children engage in that could easily force their parent to use physical punishment. For example; if the child seriously hurt someone else or does something that could endanger life. In such scenario, most parents due to anger are likely to employ severe physical punishment (Elizabeth p.12). What are the different motivations for rejecting corporal punishment in child-rearing? In child rearing, parents must ensure that their children have access to full protection. Protection in this case refe rs to subjection to minimal pain and suffering. Internationally, there are countries that have come up with new legislative laws on corporal punishment (Prue and Alister par. 3). The law control and guide parents on how to administer punishment on their children. This is because there are children who sustain serious injuries due to corporal punishment. This is against the international principles of proper child care. One of the motivating factors contributing to rejection of corporal punishment is the strict legislative law on parents who cause injuries on their children that can last for over 24 hours (Prue and Alister par. 4). Such cases are considered to be physical child abuse and they are illegal. Parents are also encouraged to avoid hitting private and delicate parts of the body when administering corporal punishment. Therefore, parents who ignore such rules are liable to face prosecution. The other factor is the knowledge on the negative effects corporal punishment creates on the child. This has also contributed to the decline of physical punishment. Research has proven that children who are frequently subjected to severe corporal punishment may develop an impaired mental status. This might force the child to grow up associated with psychological maladjustments in adulthood. Therefore, most parents have dropped corporal punishment because of the negative side effect it has on children. It is known that one of the main objectives of corporal punishment is to correct behavior. However, most parents have realized that the more they punish their children the more they become rude. This means that the more corporal punishment is administered to a child, the more aggressive and disobedient the child becomes. Therefore, many parents have sought for other civilized punishment methods rather than corporal punishment (Prue and Alister par. 4). In the end, this has contributed to the decline of corporal punishment administration. How do motivation factors make s ense within the cultural context? It is important to mention there is no guarantee that all the mention motivation factors would bear 100% positive results. Within the cultural context, it is vital to explain the reason as to why corporal punishment does not make sense. To begin with, corporal punishment in real life situation does not teach children as to why the behavior committed was wrong (Elizabeth p. 12). This is purely against the cultural punishment practices. According to the culture, criminals must be told of the crime they committed before judgment. But corporal punishment does not offer this option. Different cultural groups globally have varying ways of endorsing physical punishment as a strategy of inflicting discipline on children. It is clear that most parents would support physical punishment once it is a cultural practice that has been embraced for years. In this context, no parent would ever agree to the fact that corporal punishment is harmful to children and sho uld be abandoned. Contrary, in the community, there are people with different opinion. Not all parents would believe that physical punishment is the only alternative method of punishing the child. These are the people who reject corporal punishment even if it is a cultural practice (Elizabeth p. 19). Has corporal punishment practices changed over time? In America, the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure in child rearing has been strongly used throughout generations. Since the 17th century, corporal punishment has been the only solution for parents who wanted to correct their children characters. Nevertheless, this practice is currently fading away slowly. The beginning of 21st century opened new hope for children in America. Back in the 1960s, about 94% of American parents approved and supported the use of corporal punishment (Elizabeth p. 11). Research conducted at that time revealed that over 80% of American parent agreed to the fact that hitting a child helps in correcting behavior (Elizabeth p. 11). Nevertheless, as time went by, this cultural belief faded away slowly. In the year 2004, the same researchers concluded that the number of people supporting corporal punishment had reduced. Moreover, the percentage of parents agreeing with corporal punishment also dropped to about 71.3% (Elizabeth p. 11). In this case, it was clear that despite some parents do support corporal punishment; the number of supporting parents was gradually dropping. Furthermore, a survey conducted in the year 2005 revealed that only 23% of American parents approve corporal punishment to be used in schools (Elizabeth p. 11). This means that over 70% of American parents strongly rejected the use of physical punishment in schools. This was a clear indication that the use of corporal punishment was declining at a very steady state. The other evidence to the fact that corporal punishment was fading away in America was the establishment of corporal punishment task force i n the year 1992 (Michael and Murray par. 15). The task force was introduced by the American department of children affairs. The work of the task force was to campaign against the implementation of physical punishment on children. Similarly, another task force was also introduced by the American academy of pediatrics (Michael and Murray par. 15). In addition, the American national advocacy organization was also introduced in the year 1992. All this was devoted solely in the struggle to completely eliminate implementation of corporal punishment in child rearing. In 1992, a stimulating motto saying; end physical punishment of children (EPOCH) was also formed (Michael and Murray par. 15). The introduction of EPOCH further steered forward the fight against corporal punishment in America. EPOCH grew to be an international slogan and extended widely the fight against corporal punishment in other countries like United Kingdom. Ironically, it is important to mention that, corporal punishment has been widely neglected for long across the globe (Michael and Murray par. 17). This has been the main reason for the slowness in eradicating the practice. It is evident that even books meant to campaign against corporal punishment are very scarce globally (Michael and Murray par. 17). Most ironical is that, the few books available only contain information on corporal punishment not more than half a page. This neglect is one of the key contributing factors as to why corporal punishment is still being implemented internationally (Michael and Murray par. 17). In America, the use of physical punishment has greatly reduced in school today. Most schools have reduced the employment of physical punishment on their students. In some states like Iowa and New Jersey, physical punishment has completely been banned in all schools (Michael and Murray par. 17). Internationally, about 23 countries have successfully prohibited the use of physical punishment as a corrective measure in child reari ng (Prue and Alister par. 10). However, the entire process slowly began in schools through legislative mechanism (Prue and Alister par. 10). Furthermore, this was followed by the removal of lawful correction defense most parents used to promote corporal punishment (Prue and Alister par. 10). This means that there was no more defense excuse in court by parents and that corporal punishment on children was considered to be serious crime. It is also evident that in most countries, corporal punishment on children precisely in specific setting like schools has also been abolished. This achievement was also promoted widely after the formation of global initiative to end corporal punishment on children 2008 (Prue and Alister par. 10). In summary, however, it is important to point out that corporal punishment has greatly declined with time. The cultural perspective people had on physical punishment is now fading away slowly. The advancement of civilization and modern education has enabled mo st parents to employ other ways of effectively disciplining their children. This has killed the ancient cultural physical punishment methods people used before. The law is also not friendly on people who injure children in the name of correcting a behavior. This has scared most parents to keep off from such brutal punishment imposed on children (Prue and Alister par. 10). Impacts of corporal punishment practice Various research studies conducted have revealed that corporal punishment is not a sure and effective form of discipline. This is because of the fact that children could easily develop fear on their parents. Such fear can easily weaken the child social participation. Additionally, it is also easy to erode the child to parent relationship due to fear (Elizabeth p. 18). In this case, the child would prefer staying away from the parents and be safe from punishment. Corporal punishment may also teach the child to be more violent. This is seen when the child grow up knowing that v iolence must be linked with any loving relationship (Elizabeth p. 18). Such children end up being more violent than their parents. The child could also develop the notion that aggression is the only way to achieve a goal. The other important reason is the fact that physical punishment can fully interfere with the parent message. This is because since the child is subjected to painful experience, the perception on the parent directives could disappear automatically (Elizabeth p. 18). Conclusion In summary, it is very clear from the discussion that the issue on corporal punishment is greatly contentious. The emergence of modern education is the key contributing factor to the decline of corporal punishment (Adam and Megan par. 1). Most learned parents have opted to use other alternative ways of disciplining children other than corporal punishment. This has contributed to the decline of corporal punishment today (Adam and Megan par. 1). Works Cited Adam, Zolotor and Megan E. Puzia. Bans Against Corporal Punishment: A Systematic Review of the Laws, Changes in Attitudes and Behaviors. 21 July, 2010. Web. Alison D. Renteln 2010, Corporal Punishment and The Cultural Defense. PDF file. 9 Dec. 2012. David, Benatar. Corporal Punishment. 4 Feb. 2001. Web. Elizabeth T. Gershoff 2008, Report on Physical Punishment in The United States: What Research Tells Us About Its Effects on Children. PDF file. 9 Dec. 2012. Michael, Donnelly and Murray A. Straus. ââ¬Å"Corporal Punishment of Children in Theoretical Perspective.â⬠Yale University Press. (2005): 3-7. New Haven. London. Web. Prue, Holzer and Alister Lamount. ââ¬Å"Corporal Punishment Key Issues.â⬠National Child Protection Clearinghouse. 978.1 (2010). Australian Institute of Family Studies. Web. This essay on Corporal punishment was written and submitted by user Kelsey Petty to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment as a form of disciplinary action to children has elicited a fierce debate and controversy over its effectiveness in shaping childrenââ¬â¢s behavior in the society. Sociologists, psychologists, and legal experts differ on whether corporal punishment has long-term benefits in shaping childrenââ¬â¢s behavior or not. The difference in opinions has resulted into quest for more research in order to ascertain both short and long-term effects of corporal punishment on children.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Corporal Punishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gershoff argues that, ââ¬Å"crucial questions remain unanswered, such as what range of child behaviors and experiences are empirically associated with parental corporal punishment, as well as why, how, and for whom corporal punishment might have such effectsâ⬠(539). Due to lack of empirical evidences to prove whether cor poral punishment is harmful or not to the children, the opposing schools of thought are yet to justify their theoretical views and beliefs. The research concerning corporal punishment is very complex because there are no clear-cut differences between abusive punishment and non-abusive punishment, thus confounding the research findings. Furthermore, corporal punishment and naughty behaviors have intricate relationship in that, it is very difficult to establish causal relationships. Since corporal punishment is associated with untoward childhood behaviors and experiences, it is an ineffective and an undesirable form of parental discipline. Corporal punishment is ineffective and undesirable form of parental discipline because it only causes immediate compliance, which has short-term effects in shaping childââ¬â¢s behavior contrary to the long-term expectations by the parents. Numerous studies have shown that parents normally administer corporal punishment with the objective of reali zing immediate compliance of the children. Empirical studies have proved that short-term compliance due to corporal punishment is very effective in learning. ââ¬Å"There is general consensus that corporal punishment is effective in getting children to comply immediately, but at the same time there is caution from child abuse researchers that corporal punishment by its nature can escalate into physical maltreatmentâ⬠(Gershoff 549). Meta-analysis has proved that administration of corporal punishment does not have long-term behavioral change as expected by the parents; it only causes immediate compliance, and this phenomenon beats the logic of using corporal punishment in disciplining children. Corporal punishment is essential in achieving control of rowdy and disruptive children; nevertheless, it does not help in long-term development of behavior in children. Although corporal punishment has short-term compliance, continued and consistent administration negatively affects inter nalization of morals.Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Continued and consistent administration of corporal punishment affects children negatively in the process internalizing the desired morals. Moral internalization is appropriate mechanism of developing acceptable behaviors because intrinsic factors rather than the extrinsic factors form the essential driving forces that compel children to mature well. Social and emotional maturation of the children critically depends on the intrinsic factors for such factors enable children to internalize moral values and beliefs in the society. In contrast, extrinsic factors such as corporal punishment seem to have an imposing influence on the intrinsic factors thus affecting internalization of morals. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate behavior development during the growth of children have mutually exclusive effect in t he development of behaviors. According to the attribution theory, ââ¬Å"theorists emphasize that power-assertive methods such as corporal punishment promote childrenââ¬â¢s external attributions for their behavior and minimize their attributions to internal motivations corporal punishment â⬠¦ may not facilitate moral internalization because it does not teach children reasons for behaving correctlyâ⬠(Gershoff 541). Therefore, corporal punishment does not instill the essence of morality to the children for children subjected to corporal punishment behave according to conditioned punishment. Since the children do not understand the essence of morality, they develop aggressive behaviors to resist or avoid severe corporal punishment. Administration of corporal punishment results into aggressive behavior; hence it is ineffective and undesirable form of parental discipline. The relationship between corporal punishment and aggressive behavior is very complex to establish causal relationship. Extensive literature reviews have confirmed that, there is significant positive correlation between corporal punishment and aggressive behaviors among children. These findings imply that corporal punishment promotes development of aggressive behaviors in children, thus inappropriate form of parental discipline. Based on the attribution theory, the relationship between corporal punishment and aggressive behavior emanate from the fact that corporal punishment interferes with the internalization of moral values and beliefs, leaving children to depend on extrinsic factors as determinants of morality resulting into aggressive defense.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Corporal Punishment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social control theory also indicates that corporal punishment degrades child-parent relationship, prevent internalization of moral values, and increases aggressive behaviors du e to lack of internal motivation and self-control. Gershoff argues that, ââ¬Å"parental corporal punishment affects children primarily by initiating and shaping emotional and cognitive processes in the children, which in turn predispose them to engage in certain behaviors or have particular experiences such as aggressionâ⬠(551). Hence, cognitive processes are important in mediating and developing aggressive behaviors and experiences. However, it is very difficult to establish causal relationship between corporal punishment and development of naughty behaviors. Despite the assumption that untoward behavior and experiences relates with corporal punishment, the causal relation between corporal punishment and development of naughty behaviors is blurred which makes it difficult to determine the causational effect. Psychological research depends on observational and experiential models to establish causal relationships but the findings do not consider confounding factors that could possibly mediate assumed causal relationship between corporal punishment and development of naughty behaviors. Gershoff asserts that although models of correlation have assumed that corporal punishment causes naughty behaviors, they have not sufficiently ruled out the possibility that naughty behaviors to induce corporal punishment, ââ¬Å"because corporal punishment occurs rarely and eludes observation, researchers interested in the effects of corporal punishment need to consider more ingenious methods of establishing causalityâ⬠(556). Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that causation relationship exists between corporal punishment and development of naughty behaviors. However, meta-analysis research has attempted to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that corporal punishment causes naughty behaviors in children. The establishment of causation relationship is quite possible because meta-analysis research measures and monitors behavior development from the e arliest point possible thus considering time precedence and isolating other factors that may confound the causational effect. Since there is no significance evidence to rule out that corporal punishment increases development of naughty behaviors, then corporal punishment is ineffective and undesirable form of parental discipline. Conclusion In a recap, the controversy regarding the effectiveness of corporal punishment still rages as the opposing schools of thoughts have strong evidence to support their views. Sociologists, psychologists and legal experts have not yet reached a conclusion that corporal punishment elicits untoward behaviors and experiences in children. Given that the relationship between corporal punishment and naughty behavior in children is very complex, it is also difficult to establish the causational relationship without making some assumptions.Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nevertheless, meta-analysis has significantly demonstrated that there is causational relationship between corporal punishment and development of naughty behaviors. The relationship between corporal punishment and naughty behaviors portrays chicken-egg relationship in that, it is difficult to establish which one of two comes first. Works Cited Gershoff, Elizabeth. ââ¬Å"Corporal Punishment by Parents and Associated Child Behaviors and Experiences: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review.â⬠Psychological Bulletin 128.4 (2002): 539ââ¬â579. This critical writing on Corporal Punishment was written and submitted by user Makenzie Parrish to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Data Warehousing essays
Data Warehousing essays Determining which subjects will be created and populated in the data warehouse is called subject definition. A subject is a logical concept; for example, an organizations customers, including their names, addresses, etc. From this business logic, a logical data model is developed. Next, the logical model is translated into a physical data model that defines the actual data storage architecture for the data warehouse. Physical models can be based on several design constructs, such as an entity relationship model, star schema, snowflake schema, persistent multidimensional store, or summary tables. Data transformations are used to convert and summarize operational data into a consistent, business-oriented format. Transformation of data consists of two distinct steps: 1) integration and conversion and 2) summarization. Integration and conversion resolves data inconsistencies in value definitions and formats among data. Summarization, consisting of both numerical summarizations and groupings, provides analysts with a historical view, rather than the record-by-record view provided by the OLTP database. Metadata is the warehouse repository that defines the rules and content of the warehouse and maps this data to the query user on one end and to the operational sources of data on the other. As an abstraction layer, metadata masks the technical aspects of data access, making information resources access-friendly. Ideally, end users access data from the data warehouse without knowing where the data reside, the format, or any other physical attributes. The business benefits derived from implementing a data warehouse are tremendous. Data warehousing offers organizations an opportunity to reinvent the tools used for decision making by making the tremendous amounts of data collected by business yield copious amounts of useful information about customers. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Report Assignment
Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Assignment Example Externally the company strives to comply with its legal responsibilities based on law, legislation and its duties as a taxpayer. Still, the company has a responsibility as a member of the society, community and environment which it operates. It has to offer due diligence, care and protection to that environment. Therefore, Total is socially responsible because it has invested heavily in the development of human capital, protecting the environment and its enhancement of how it relates with all its stakeholders. The company treats all its stakeholders in a manner deemed acceptable in a civilized society. The business is economically profitable, adheres to the rule of law, ethical and socially supportive. The multinational covers all the four tenets of corporate social responsibility which explains the success in its operations.Taking into consideration that CSR is a designed policy to ensure that public interest is promoted proactively so that the growth and development of the communit y is realized, I would market the CSR of Total as a member of the marketing team in the following ways. ... This applies to a company operating in vice products like Total that has faced so many environmental suits due to oil spills before. As a result of this Total has an opportunity to still penetrate the market. Secondly I would strive to make the customers feel fulfilled, this is derived from the fact that customers normally only purchase products that is vast in its CSR activities (Hopkins, 2004). This makes the customer feel a sense of gratitude and fulfillment hence loyalty to a company. It is important for the public to understand the CSR activities of the business because; as a result, most customers will always want to associate with companies that return back to the society apart from just making profits. The customer loyalty created ensures increased consistent sales making CSR a very powerful marketing tool for most companies and Total in specific. As has already been mentioned, CSR will also make customers feel a sense of gratitude and fulfillment. This has the potential impa ct of product patronage hence translating into brand and loyalty to the company. Intensified CSR is able to calm down the perception of the public in the event of a large public relations crisis hence lessen the impacts of the negative publicity (Hopkins, 2004). As it has been witnessed CSR has the power to benefit both the society and the environment on legal, moral and ethical basis apart from the contributions of the same to economic growth and development. The results of CSR are far-reaching as it surpasses its impacts on mere individuals and localities. It crises crosses the whole society, communities and a whole large settlements. CSR policies, programs and processes are strategic and has a series of business related benefits to the operations of any form of profit oriented
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Arcor Case Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Arcor Case Analysis - Term Paper Example The company was founded in the year 1951, producing a wide range of products ranging from confectioneries to personal hygiene products and also frozen goods. At present the company operates in over 120 countries worldwide and Arcor was also ranked 14th amongst the top 100 candy companies at US in the year 2009 with a revenue of US $ 2.2 billion. The company provides high quality products and on the other hand to reduce the cost of the product Arcor vertically integrated the packaging system into their system. In the year the company was nominated as the ââ¬Ëbest companyââ¬â¢ in Argentina from the chamber of commerce of US. This award recognizes the company who includes management sustainability in their corporate practices. The Company also encourages in promotion of education at Argentina and Brazil. This social responsibility is aimed to minimize the problems arising at workplace and the impacts of environment at the manufacturing plants (Innovalatino, 2010). Situation analys is SWOT Analysis The growth of the company and sustainable survival in the industry the SWOT analysis is conducted by the company. It helps the company to understand the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company identification of which can assist in the implementation of strategies according to the needs of development. Strength Arcor has a great brand name at Argentina. The companyââ¬â¢s huge percentage in the domestic market share with around 54% in the candy and 33% at chocolate market gave the company immense popularity in the international market due to its strong base. International acquisition strategy of Arcor with small third party to reduce its price to the end user along with the vertical integration structure for manufacturing of different ingredients facilitates the process of reducing price for the company. This is the major strength of the company which keeps the price low for the firm without affecting the quality of the product. Weaknesses Th e production plants of the company are all located in domestic country thus distribution of the company is a very important aspect to look after by the company. Proper training of the distribution channel and salesperson are required by the company failing to which might create problem for the company to reach to the customers in foreign countries. Building own distribution system can help the company to cope with this problem. Opportunity New product line from the company with over 50 new candy compared to 10 from each competitor can create a huge potential for the company in developing countries where the demand for candies are growing in recent years. Demand for chocolate and confectionery are also increasing which can be a great opportunity for the firm to launch new products in this category (Ghemawt, Rukstad, Illes, 2009, p. 5). Threats Financial crisis and economical slowdown is one of the major threats for the company. While entering into new market the political factor is a lso a possible threat as change in policies of the government can increase the tax on import and export duties which might force the company to increase price for the products, thus loosing the title of being the cost leader in the market. Competitive analysis To get an extra edge in the competitive environment Arcor should analyze the external environment of the firm and understand the threats from different dimensions like new entrants, suppliers,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Intro to humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intro to humanities - Essay Example This construction was designed to be harmonically ordered so that it reflected the harmony of life. Beyond this type of geometric design comes the combination of practical and aesthetic qualities as the Acropolis (which literally means "high city") was placed on the highest spot in Athens so that its people could retreat there in the case of invasion from the outside. It was a place of both literal and metaphoric sanctuary. Much of the design of the Acropolis is massive in nature, but there are also smaller buildings which may be seen as a form of decoration. For example, there is the Temple to Nike Athena (the Athena of Victory) which commemorates a vital victory over the Persians. It is small in size, but perfect in proportion, as if the Greeks were attempting to show that it is the quality, in geometric perfection, that is more important than its size. The various works of art which once existed in the Acropolis, few of which are still there in their original form, show that the Acropolis was designed as a kind of living history of the mythology of Greece. For example, the porch of the maidens commemorates the mythological contest between Athena and Poseidon over who would be the patron of the new city that had sprung up there. It is perhaps a suitable commentary upon the difficulties involved with keeping the Classical Humanist ideals alive that much of the surviving works of ar
Friday, November 15, 2019
Principles of Accounting
Principles of Accounting This assignment is based on the accounting and its principles. This assignment contains the explanation of accounting and how much that is effective in any business. Different roles of the accounting in business. This assessment also defines the difference between the financial accounting and management accounting as well. There are also some steps are explained that are used for the planning and budgeting of the business. All this assignment is based on the accounting principles and rules and regulation set by the business organisation. Accounting, acquired sorting, recovery, sketch out, and despite the various reports and information on tests showing that the recording of Financial trades. In like manner to the preparation of the formal accounting of these works, including those who have a calling. Accounting principles he rules and guidelines that companies must follow when reporting financial data. The common set of accounting principles are: Accrual Principle Conservatism Principle Consistency Principle Cost Principle Economic Entity Principle Full Disclosure Principle Going Concern Principle Matching Principle Monetary Unit Principle (Coller, 2015) The main objective of the responsible accounting is providing help in the planning and control of the responsibility centres of the company. Treatment of solid and similar things it recommends the use of accounting system. The work that goes into setting accounting standards of the need for equality is based around an incredible piece. (accounting, n.d.) Good but will be good to explain some of those principles Responsible accounting refers to that type of accounting which is related to budgeting and internal accounting of an organization. The main objective of the responsible accounting is providing help in the planning and control of the responsibility centres of the company. It also involves the preparation of monthly and annual budget for every responsibility centre. OK Characteristics of Responsibility accounting are: Understand ability This kind of expression, clarity, accounting information would be appropriate to propose that the customers who are generally expected to learn the trade and budgetary activities is a sensible. OK Relevance It brings to be important, accounting information should help to shape a client, certified or perhaps a scene change settling on a decision (as this would have a right to my contribution, it would be prudent for a as a rule, I must deposit money to this business? it is thought to be a smart thing for me to do this business?) OK Consistency Treatment of solid and similar things it recommends the use of accounting system. The work that goes into setting accounting standards of the need for equality is based around an incredible piece. OK Reliability Interprets that the accounting information is shown, the straight right, (not necessarily anything left behind a remarkable open door) with and being checked (eg a potential budgetary authority) to get ready. OK Objectivity The estimate provided accounting information and a fair way is declared. By the end of the day, it is a particular client or individual holding the pile is uneven. (Collier, 2015) OK Management accounting is the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of information that assists managers in specific decision making within the framework of fulfilling the organizational objectives. That include: Planning: Planning method without further ado or maybe the whole deal. Incredibly organization, with emphasis on the process of creating a convincing business results for orchestrating a drive to collect ached. Planning: management accounting is a basic part of this range is expected. Good Arrangements: Management accounting intense coordination between the various divisions tries to achieve. The division focuses on the need to report the expenses system, to fill various needs this information allows the organization supports. OK Coordinating: a movement of inspiration for athletic technique. Additionally, the accounting organization, towards the achievement of the desired goals of the different divisions related to energize workers while contributing to each and every business destinations like the way allows for example, tries.à OK Controlling: control, so far as money-related arrangements for the holding of a trade are useful in empowering technology is concerned, as well as budgetary control to control a fine strategy. Such divergence in the performance of the business in terms of substance to restorative measures are helpful. OK Communicating: The results of this strategy that the proprietors, supervisors and subordinates are passed through. Essential for customers highlighting the necessary information transmitting data, for example, business progress, joins budgetary position. (Collier, 2015) Very Good There are different important aspects that relate to different features of the businesses finances activities à financial accounting, and management accounting. Financial accounting Financial accounts to its peers out of a relationship is used to present economic prosperity. Best administrative employees, stockholders, foundations and various testers budgetary financial accounting reports are gathering for the audience. Allocation of Financial accounting presents a particular time in the past and see how the Association is performed enables the social function. Financial accounting reports must be stored on a yearly beginning, and associations to publicly traded, some sections of the annual report should be made to record all-inclusive community. Ok Management Accounting Organization or official accounts concerning the normal operation of a business decision to settle is used by the owner. It is in the light of past performance, but not yet present and future examples, which do not contemplate the measure number is developed. As the owner of a volatile situation continued operation in a short time period, the decision to organize the needed parts of the organizations accounting and business decision-making, for example, depends on the enthusiasm. (Collier, 2015) OK Budgeting- its process to how to and how much spend money on different activities to achieve organisational goals creating a Budget. The budget is using by every company or business to set all the expectations for revenue and expenses. Clear. Planning a budget: Identify expenses Pick a sensible rate of your wage to set aside for conceivable later utilize resources or hypothesis accounts. The more you can redirect into hypothesis funds, the better. 10% is a tolerable aggregate for an enthusiastic couple, however sparing even as forlorn as 1 percent can help you to set up strong affinities and begin an instance of setting cash aside. OK Identify expenses There is a degree of differentiating choices to examine when youre set up to make your spending bunch. You can keep it fundamental, utilizing a pen-and-paper framework, or you can utilize a PC programming bunch.à OK Finding the amount for savings On the off chance that your aggregate pay is palatable to deal with your costs and ventures, make seven days by week or month to month spending plan apportioning clear totals for each costs thing. Selecting a budget format Set aside the opportunity to look at the financial course of action now to guarantee that it is sensible and all remuneration and costs are addressed. (Collier, 2015) Good Explain what is an accounting performance? Financial Ratios A standard financial verbalization examination device is budgetary degrees. These degrees take data from the company. Financial pronouncements and learn budgetary pointers for association with another affiliation or the business standard. Financial degrees unite liquidity, resource turnover, monetary use and preferred standpoint computations. Liquidity degrees take in the company capacity to meet decisively budgetary duties. Resource turnover degrees show how well the affiliation utilizes its purposes of enthusiasm for make benefits. OK Horizontal Analysis A Horizontal Financial verbalization examination considers current budgetary pronouncements to a past year financial data. Affiliations a significant part of the time facilitate this examination by putting quite a while of trade related elucidations out a one next to the next examination arrange.à OK Vertical Analysis A vertical financial verbalization examination is composed utilizing basic size financial elucidations. An ordinary measure Financial articulation indicates everything on a monetary elucidation in a rate figure for every revelation line thing. A vertical examination gives supervisor a substitute choice for evaluating financial data; administrators might be more open to looking as opposed to dollar sums.à OK Trend Percentage Analysis A case rate examination is an upgraded even examination system. Slant rate examinations help affiliations perceive persisting vocations or costs from past bookkeeping periods. These cases can help supervisor settle on business choices concerning future operations. OK Best administrative employees, stockholders, foundations and various testers budgetary financial accounting reports are gathering for the audience. Allocation of Financial accounting presents. Financial pronouncements and learn budgetary pointers for association with another affiliation or the business standard. Financial degrees unite liquidity, resource turnover, monetary use and preferred standpoint computations. Liquidity degrees take in the company capacity to meet decisively budgetary duties. Sales cost per unit is dependable. Variable expenses per unit are unsurprising. Total settled expenses are constant. Everything passed on is sold. Costs are influenced considering the way that action changes. Valid points Helpful exercises solidify giving things, associations or cash without altering for any lack by paying representatives less or charging clients more. Financial accounts to its peers out of a relationship is used to present economic prosperity. Best administrative employees, stockholders, foundations and various testers budgetary financial accounting reports are gathering for the audience. This part is not enough clear How diversity in accounting regulation impacts the business Diversity in accounting refers to differences in recording and using financial information; American businesses working with international corporations face challenges handling diversity when dealing with accounting principles. While many companies deal with the differences without interrupting business operation The budgetary effect for relationship of gathered qualities in bookkeeping comes when firms inaccuracy to pull as a rule meander holds in context of bookkeeping contrasts. A helpful business can show up, from each edge, to be a losing wind when the affiliations books are recalculated into figures utilizing masterminded general bookkeeping frameworks or strategies. Regardless of when inspectors are given the bookkeeping contrasts, many are hesitant to put everything out there when confronted with the capabilities in the meander portfolios. This explanation is not clear and you must provide an appropriate example How responsible accounting contributes to ethical and socially and culturally appropriate decision making Ethical Ethical social duty consolidates practices like paying specialists a sensible wage and getting grass-sustained meat from a near to cultivate disregarding the way that it costs you more than experiencing a national provider. Helpful exercises solidify giving things, associations or cash without altering for any lack by paying representatives less or charging clients more. You essentially give in light of an authentic sympathy toward your burger joint without any strings joined to endeavours that favoured viewpoint district occupants, for example, gaining kid auto seats for the contiguous patching centre to progress to unseasoned watchmen. Social Social responsibility is discovered into your budgetary approach by the cash you spare, for instance, through reusing instead of disposing of wrinkled cardboard, or the cash you get by supporting human expressions and get-togethers that attract after-theatre bistros to your foundation. Sans gluten menu things are another example of satisfying the get-togethers dietary needs while making an extra favourable position stream for your cafe.à Ok Culture Culture of adjust, regard and high great benchmarks all through your cafe by tolerating dependable procedures and system and placing them into well-ordered practice on each Horizontal, from association to dishwashers. Evaluate all zones of operation for conceivable changes, from where you buy your make to what you do with your waste. Look to those with a stake in your business, including operators, clients, providers and industry accomplices, for beneficial insights that meet high great gauges. Link them together Regard and high great benchmarks all through the company must have a dependable procedures and system and placing them into well-ordered practice on each Horizontal, from association to dishwashers. Need some effective and technical methods Need some training efforts and schedule for the freshers to understand accounting. Accountants must have mathematical skills. Recommendation must be your own vision It is concluded from the above discussion that the accounting in the business have their own roles and responsibilities in the business. Without the accounting system in any business, that cant be run successfully and smoothly.à References accounting. (n.d.). Retrieved from accounting, m. (n.d.). Retrieved from accounting, r. (n.d.). Retrieved from à Collier, P.M. (2015). introduction to accounting, Accounting for managers, Willey.ppt-17.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The One Truth Of Reality Essay -- essays research papers
The One Truth of Reality The one single truth of reality is not measured or distinguished -- it is the ultimate paradox. The journey by which one achieves this truth can be a journey of increasing realizations of paradoxes, and finally, freedom from the bubble of limitation of a mind that would perceive such paradoxes as paradoxes in the first place. Truth is the same as spiritual feeling. Of spiritual perception. Of clear perception. Of freedom of the mind. Freedom of the soul. Freedom of the Heart. It is ultimate love and empathy. The end of struggle. Fully knowing the truth is to be enlightened. Fully realizing the truth is having transcended the distortions of the Machine (see The Machine at my web site given below). Truth means complete fulfillment and true happiness. Truth is impossible to change or destroy -- doing so contradicts the very nature of a single truth from which all things seen through distorted perception stem. Finding truth (and thus everything that it is) is the ultimate subconscious goal of all struggling. The search for truth, the want of truth, paradoxically, most often leads to illusion and darkness and pain. This is the case for the general spiritual state of humanity in the late Twentieth Century. In this way, truth, freedom, love, clear perception, purity, transcendence, and enlightenment are all the very same thing. During the journey, one will no doubt see many facets of truth and see them as separate, distinguished, or part of a duality; but in time, one will see how they all link up and ultimately, how everything is a part of the same thing, and how perceiving everything in terms of truth is transcendence of distinguishment and knowing the truth; and in this way, being enlightened, free, and fulfilled -- attaining the ultimate happiness. Transcendent of the Measurable What is perceived tangibly through the primary five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) contradicts the nature of truth which is actually transcendent of all distinguishments in the "more tangible" environment. When a person focuses on what he (or she) sees and reacts to it and especially seeks to control his environment, he lives in a dualistic (or polyistic) state wherein lives his struggle to find non-struggle and peace and fulfillment. The illusion is what is sensed through these five senses and having perceived this as somethin... ... the transcendent planes, including the Mindscape. The Journey The journey is the process of the growth of awareness and insight into ultimate truth. Eventually, this means awareness beyond simple intellectual facts, but an awareness of one's truest self, and thus an awareness into the truest nature of everything. Mentally, this can be perceived, just as feelings can be perceived. To feel free of the struggle of pain and pleasure is to feel the currents of the one's entire being, and in this know oneself; and in this, know the truth; and in this, be truly free; and given an end to the quest for self there is an end to the deepest loneliness (which ultimately is confusion regarding oneself) and the greatest sense of fulfillment. The goal, then, should be to find and submit oneself completely to, like water, the feelings that may be perceived (visualized or seen) by the mind as white light. This is a journey through the maze of walls that are a result of the struggling of the psyche in the midst of the darkness and confusion. The easiest way to find the way out of a maze is to rise above (transcend) it and, seeing the light of the universe beyond, find a path leading to the exit.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Racial Profiling Essay
Introduction What is racial profiling? The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) defines racial profiling as ââ¬Å"the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individualââ¬â¢s race, ethnicity, religion or national originâ⬠(2005). Do not confuse racial profiling with criminal profiling; criminal profiling is usually practiced by police in which they use a group of characteristics that are associated with crime to target individuals (ACLU, 2005). Examples of racial profiling include using ones race to target specific drivers for traffic violations and pedestrians for illegal contraband; another prime example is the targeting of Muslims, Arabs, and South Asians since 9/11 in regards to minor immigrant violations without any connection to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon (ACLU, 2005). Without a doubt, racial profiling occurs on a daily basis all over the world; however letââ¬â¢s focus on racial pr ofiling in the United States and specifically right here in our homeland, Michigan. Background & History When did racial profiling first begin? Even though racial profiling still exists today, it is not a recently new phenomenon. Racial profiling can date back to the 1700s when slavery was a common way of life for many African Americans. Like present-day racial profiling, oneââ¬â¢s skin color is what has made them subject to discriminatory treatment from law enforcement (Rushing, K., 2013). In South Carolina, white men policed the black slaves on plantations and hunted for escaped slaves; this was referred to as ââ¬Å"slave patrolâ⬠. Most slaves were not free, and if they were they had to carry freedom papers or a pass to prove that they had permission to be off of the plantation (Rushing, K., 2013). If a black person was found to have run away they were beaten, whipped or even killed as the consequence. Even into the 20th century, after slavery, blacks were again forced into another form of involuntary servitude called convict leasing; this is where they were leased to work fo r private companies, whether it be on plantations or railroads and coal mines (Rushing, K., 2013). Regardless of what the 14th amendment states in the Constitution, laws were still broken and applied differently to blacks and whites. This became a major issue when the War on Drugs began in 1982. Reagan wanted to stop drug use and sales with ruthless sentencingà laws; they focused on urban black neighborhoods to promote anti-drug efforts. Although the prison population tripled there were substantial racial disparities; in 2010 the US Bureau of Justice Statistics indicated that black males had an imprisonment rate that was nearly seven times higher than white men (Rushing, K., 2013). And the rate of incarceration among black women was almost three times that of white women; a Human Rights Watch study in 2009 showed that blacks are arrested at much higher rates than whites even though they commit drug offense at comparable rates (Rushing, K., 2013). Racial profiling isnââ¬â¢t spec ifically focused on drug offenses but focuses on any form of crime being committed by any person who isnââ¬â¢t of white decent. There are many notorious instances where racial profiling has occurred including bicycling while black and brown in Eastpointe, Michigan, walking while black and brown in New York City, and gang database racial profiling in Orange County, California. In Eastpointe, 21 young black youths were stopped by police because they were riding their bicycles through a white suburb. The ACLU joined the suite against Eastpointe, Michigan, to represent the youths. They argued that the ââ¬Å"bicyclists were stopped in this predominantly white suburb of Detroit because of their race and not because they were doing anything wrongâ⬠(ACLU, 2005). In 1996 a memo sent to the Eastpointe City Manager had a statement from the former police chief that he instructed his officers to investigate any black youths riding through Eastpointe subdivisions. Through extensive searching of police logs, it was found that Eastpointe had over 100 incidents between 1995 and 1998 just like this one (ACLU, 2005). In New York Cityââ¬â¢s police department report in December 1999, the stop and frisk practices showed to be greatly based on race. In NYC, blacks make up 25.6% of the cityââ¬â¢s population, Hispanics 23.7% and whites are 43.4% of NYC population. However, according to the report, 50.6% of all persons stopped were black, 33% were Hispanic, and only 12.9% were white. As you can see, more than half of the individuals who were stopped were black, 62.7% to be exact (ACLU, 2013). In Orange County, California Latinos, Asians and African Americans were more than 90% of the 20,221 men and women in the Gang Reporting Evaluation and Tracking System (ACLU, 2013). Clearly this database record shows racial profiling occurred when the total population in the database made up less than half of Orange Countyââ¬â¢s population. This is when the California Advisory Committee of theà U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and the ACLU stepped in. One other instance of racial profiling Iââ¬â¢d like to discuss occurred in Maricopa County, Arizona. A court ruled in May 2013 that ââ¬Å"sheriff Joe Arpaioââ¬â¢s routine handling of people of Latino descent amounted to racial and ethnic profilingâ⬠; according to CNN, the sheriffââ¬â¢s office had a history of targeting vehicles with those having darker skin, examining them more strictly and taking them into custody more often than others (CNN, 2014). Judge Murray Snow ordered a monitor to oversee retraining in this office and to create a community advisory board to prevent further racial profiling; retraining and monitoring the sheriffââ¬â¢s office will cost the county $21,943,107 over the next year and a half (CNN, 2014). As you can see from the information above, racial profiling is still an issue in present America. In todayââ¬â¢s policing environment especially, race relations is one of the most important issues and challenges; to the point of state legislatures contemplating bans on racial profiling, mandate data collection, require police officer training, make funds available for video cameras in police cars and other measures to help put a stop to racial profiling (Portis, E., 2001). Issues/Problems a. Why racial profiling is an issue b. What problems have resulted from racial profiling i. Death c. What problems have occurred because of racial profiling II. Racial Profiling & the Law a. Past/Present laws on racial profiling in Michigan i. House Bill 4927- Racial sensitivity training & retrain officers guilty of racial profiling, along with instructing Michiganââ¬â¢s attorney generalââ¬â¢s office to investigate stop & search patterns (Police Foundation, 2005). b. Past/Present court cases in Michigan c. Public attention i. Racial profiling costing Arizona $22 million ââ¬â to retrain officers and monitor the retraining (CNN, 2014). III. Conclusion a. Solutions to racial profiling i. Retraining police departments Sources: American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]. (2014). Racial Profiling: Definition. Retrieved February 21, 2014 from: CNN US. (2014). Racial profiling costs Arizona county $22 million. Retrieved February 21, 2014 from: Portis, Ervin. (2005). Racial Profiling: The State of the Law. Retrieved February 20, 2014 from: Rushing, Keith. (2013). Dissecting the Long, Deep, Roots of Racial Profiling in America. Retrieved February 20, 2014 from: rushing/dissecting-racial-profiling_b_2740246.html
Friday, November 8, 2019
Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important
Why the New Hampshire Primary Is so Important Soon after Hillary Clinton announced to the world Im running for presidentà in the 2016 election, herà campaign made it clear what her next steps would be: She would travel to New Hampshire, where she won in 2008, well ahead of the primaries there to make her case directly to voters. So whats the big deal about New Hampshire, a state that offers up only four electoral votes in the presidential election? Why does everyone - the candidates, the media, the American public - pay so much attention to The Granite State? Here are four reasons why the New Hampshire primaries are so important. The New Hampshire Primaries Are First New Hampshire holds its primaries before anyone else. The state protects its status as first in the nation by maintaining a law that allows New Hampshires top elections official to move the date earlier if another state tries to pre-empt its primary. The parties, too, can punish states that try to move their primaries before New Hampshires. So the state isà a proving ground for campaigns. The winners capture some early, and important, momentum in the race for their partys presidential nomination. They become instant frontrunners, in other words. The losers are forced to re-evaluate their campaigns. New Hampshire Can Make or Break a Candidate Candidates who dont do well in New Hampshire are forced to take a hard look at their campaigns. As President John F. Kennedy famously said,à If they dont love you in March, April and May, they wont love you in November.à Some candidates quit after the New Hampshire primary, as President Lyndon Johnson did in 1968 after winning only a narrow victory against U.S.à Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota. The sitting president came within just 230 votes of losing the New Hampshire primary - an unprecedented failure - in what Walter Cronkite called a major setback. For others, a win in the New Hampshire primary cements the path to the White House. In 1952, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower won after his friends got him on the ballot. Eisenhower went on to win the White House againstà Democrat Estes Kefauver that year. The World Watches New Hampshire Presidential politics has become a spectator sport in the United States. Americans love a horse race, and thats what the media serve up: Endless public-opinion polls and interviews with voters in the run-up to Election Day. The New Hampshire primary is to political junkies what Opening Day is to Major League baseball fans. That is to say: Its a really big deal.à The Media Watch New Hampshire The first primary of the presidential election season used to allow the television networks a trial run at reporting results. The networks compete to be first to call the race. Inà Martin Plissners book The Control Room: How Television Calls the Shots in Presidential Elections,à the February 1964 New Hampshire primary was described as aà mediaà circus and, therefore, the center of the political worldsà attention.à Over a thousand correspondents, producers, technicians and support people of all kinds descended on New Hampshire, its voters and its merchants to confer the special franchise they have ever since enjoyed ... Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, New Hampshire was the first test in every cycle of the networks speed in declaring winners of elections. While networks continue to compete against each other to be first to call the race, they are overshadowed by digital media in reporting the results first. The emergence of online news sites has only served to add to the carnival-like atmosphere of news coverage in the state.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Learn the French Verb Conjugations for Annoncer
Learn the French Verb Conjugations for Annoncer The French verb annoncerà should look very familiar because it means to announce. When conjugating it for use in the present, past, or future tenses, there is a slight spelling change that you need to know about. A quick French lesson will show you how to handle that with ease. Conjugating the French Verbà Annoncer Annoncerà is aà spelling change verb. In this case, it is a minor change in the letter C as is common in many verbs that end in -cer. As you study the conjugations, you will notice that some formsà use the cedilla à §Ã rather than the normal c. This is to ensure that you pronounce it as a soft C sound even when it appears before the vowels A and O. Beyond that minor change, the verb conjugations forà annoncerà follow the standard -erà patterns. This chart demonstrates how the verb endings change depending on the subject pronoun and the tense used. For instance, I announce is jannonce and we will announce is nous annoncerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect j annonce annoncerai annonais tu annonces annonceras annonais il annonce annoncera annonait nous annonons annoncerons annoncions vous annoncez annoncerez annonciez ils annoncent annonceront annonaient What is the Present Participle ofà Annoncer? Theà present participleà of annoncerà isà annonà §ant. The simple ending change from an -erà to anà -antà is the difference. Again, though, notice that the cedilla appears with the vowel change. This tells you the ending is pronounced [sant] rather than [cant]. What is the Past Participle ofà Annoncer? The past participle ofà annoncerà isà annoncà ©. This is used to form the common past tense of the verb, which is known as theà passà © composà ©. You will also need to conjugate theà auxiliary verbà avoirà in order to complete this conjugation. For example, I announced is jai annoncà ©. The past participle does not change with the subject, so we announced is simply nous avons annoncà ©. More Conjugations ofà Annoncer You may find the need to use a few other simple conjugations ofà annoncerà at times. The subjunctive and conditional are more common and imply a level of uncertainty to the action of announcing. The passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive are primarily reserved for formal writing. While you might not need to memorize all of these forms at first, it is important to be aware of them. Most French students should concentrate on the present, future, and passà © composà © forms ofà annoncer. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j annonce annoncerais annonai annonasse tu annonces annoncerais annonas annonasses il annonce annoncerait annona annont nous annoncions annoncerions annonmes annonassions vous annonciez annonceriez annontes annonassiez ils annoncent annonceraient annoncrent annonassent The imperative form ofà annoncerà may be useful if youre using it as an assertive and short command or request. When doing so, theres no need to include the subject pronoun: use annonce rather than tu annonce. Imperative (tu) annonce (nous) annonons (vous) annoncez
Sunday, November 3, 2019
BHE 314 Mod 5 SLP Environmental Health and Safety Essay
BHE 314 Mod 5 SLP Environmental Health and Safety - Essay Example In this regard, this paper will describe and discuss some of the health effects associated with exposure of ultraviolet radiation. It is indicated by physicians that humans can have beneficial effects from small amounts of ultraviolet radiation, such as production of vitamin D in skin pores. However, frequent and serious short-term, as well as, long term effects are caused by overexposure to such ultraviolet radiation. In severe cases, individuals confront skin peeling and swelling after reddening of skin that occurs after the sunburn caused by ultraviolet radiation. (Hanslmeier, 2006) Physicians have indicated that UV-B is one of the most destructive ultraviolet bands that cause the abovementioned sunburn in humans. Moreover, they have indicated that more sensitivity is expressed by people that have skin of lighter tone, and thus, they confront more health issues. Some of the health related organizations have specified that cornea and conjunctiva confront aching irritation due to UV radiation, which is referred as Weldersââ¬â¢ flash. (Hessen, 2002) In Weldersââ¬â¢ flash, eye does not confront any permanent damages; however, protective pigment and outer layer of human eye is adversely affected on temporary basis. Some other researches have noted that people gone through any eye related operations are found to be more sensitive with ultraviolet radiation, and thus, confront greater risks of having a retinal injury. In this regard, a number of companies offer eyeglasses and lens implants that can absorb ultraviolet rays. On the other hand, crystalline in normal eye plays the role of filtering ultraviolet radiation; however, prolong radiation may result in adverse effect on normal eye as well. A number of clinical studies have associated risks of skin cancer with overexposure of ultraviolet radiation for a prolonged period. Some of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Our Bandit Future Cities, Shantytowns, and Climate Change Governance Essay
Our Bandit Future Cities, Shantytowns, and Climate Change Governance - Essay Example The researcher states that the effects of climate change on the world's cities and the people who live in them are not subjects that have received a great deal of attention, at least not in isolation from other climate change effects. Climate change effects tend to get considered in continental or regional terms: melting ice caps, agricultural crop losses across vast swaths of land, and shoreline loss that will inundate sub-continents. Alternately, the discussion tends to focus on behavioral change, again at the level of entire national populations, suggesting that countries must consider using cleaner energy sources, producing cleaner-burning vehicles, and providing incentives for citizens to insulate their homes better. Many, if not most, commentators seem to endorse the view that resolution of climate change challenges should be addressed at the global level and enforced by state parties pursuant to global accords. More recently, there has been some discussion of the inequalities that climate change will exacerbate. Crudely put, the analysis posits that poorer nations, especially those in Asia and Africa, will become poorer, while the richer nations will--if they do not become richer--suffer fewer of the negative consequences of climate change. In light of these differential climate change effects on poorer nations, some analysts have explored the probability of increased civil strife. However, even when the literature examines effects of climate change on civil strife, the analysis tends to address national roles and bilateral or multilateral national responses. (5) Furthermore, when land use changes are discussed, urban land use is typically excluded from consideration. The focus tends to be on deforestation and agricultural land. (6) This debate strikingly neglects what is arguably the dominant demographic shift ofà ourà era, namely the global trend towards urbanization--the move to mega-cities. As the United Nations Population Fund reports, in 2008, a majority of the world's population will live in urban areas. That number is expected to increase by another 50% by 2030. (7) In historical terms, it is impossible to understate the significance of this phenomenon, especially inasmuch as the vast majority of these urban immigrants will arrive with few resources and live in slum conditions. (8) Moreover, perhaps the characteristic feature of many such slums is that they are dominated by the informal economy, characterized by oppressive systems of patronage, corruption, and violence. (9) As the world gets hotter, this seems likely to create a--perhaps literally--combustible situation. (10) A host of factors, including environmental degradation, inadequate provision of environmental and infrastructure services, and limited employment opportunities are combining to turn many of the world's mega-slums into dangerous, violent places. (11) Moreover, there is considerable literature that has examined the relationship between increased urba n violence and temperature rise. (12) It does not seem unreasonable, therefore, to posit a connection between climate change and urban violence, one that calls
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